Thursday, 19 February 2009

Scenes from the day

Just afew scenes from the day. I am enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation this week. We are on half term holidays so this gives me a whole week off with the children. We have had bloggy meetups with Lucy and Lisa at a local Museum, this involved Hot Chocolate, cake, giggles and laughter. Thank you girls, I had the most wonderful day and cant wait until next time.

Catching afew moments/stitches on my Buttonberry Kit.
Drawing lovely pictures for a special uncles 40th birthday at the weekend.

The want me to stitch these into pillows if I have the time between now and Saturday.
Somtimes I wonder why I so publically announced that there shall be no shop bought gifts this year for birthdays (apart from the books I have stashed away for my Daughters birthday next week). I hope that you are having a good week whatever you are up to.
By the way, the photograph above shows the cardigan that I knit for my daughter, all finished and been worn to keep her snuggly and warm.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

A walk in the park

It has been quite a good day today. After Horse Riding we went out for a walk with the dog. It was beautiful but I am more than ready for spring to come. The woods were so bare and very very muddy. Role on spring.

Last night when the girls ventured out for a dog walk at about 4.45 pm we went out of our usual route and we went into a park not that far from here, we were in there for about 10 minutes before we decided to head home for hot chocolates. Well nobody told us that they locked the gates to the park and we were stuck inside. Nobody knew we had gone there, there was nobody at home expecting us back. Silly Mummy had forgotten her mobile phone and every single gate we went to was locked.
It is a beautiful park but there are lots of trees and bushes and it is kind of in a valley so you just disappear down into the dark and it was 6pm by now.We walked over to a playing field where there was light from the streets and had to climb over the gate. My daughter went first and I then had to lift a black labrador puppy up and over the fence (much to her disgust and protest) and then get myself over without impailing myself in the process. We then had a long walk home as we had come out at the far end of the park. SOOOOOoooo should you ever go for a walk,

Dont forget your mobile phone and dont get locked in the park.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Love is !!

Its just been the girls today, the smallest member of the house included.

The boys have been out for the day so it was the ideal time to have some time for the girls. I cant think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning than in the kitchen wearing our aprons and listening to some gentle music (ok so my choice was classical but when you are nine years old all you want to listen to is the Mamma Mia soundtrack)

Just for the record, all I did was supervise and make sure that no precious little fingers were burnt in the oven, she did the rest herself. We decided that as it is Valentines Day we should have pretty pink cases for the cake and for the butter icing we pureed some strawberrys and added them to the icing giving it a delicious tasting pink.

Love is...... letting your little one lick the spoon.

Didnt you just love been given the spoon as a child?

When I made her that apron it was HUGE, it now looks so tiny on her she has grown so much and just look at those long hands and fingers, perfect for the clarinet. She didnt get them from me.

All iced and ready to be eaten.

Lovely yummy fairy dust sprinkles to add a finishing touch.

I have also been given some awards recently,
This was from Faerie Nuff

And this was from Faerie Nuff
and Blueberry Heart and Debbie
Thank you to you both very much, I am sorry that it has taken some time to get them posted but gosh I dont know where the time is going at the moment. Blessings to you all.
Now the rules,
The authors say that blogs who receive this award are exceedingly charming. This blog invests in proximity in space, time and relationships. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandisement. Our hope is that when ribbons of these awards are cut, even more friendships will be propagated. Please give your kind attention to these writers.

Now I have to deliver this award to 8 bloggers who will then choose 8 more and include the above cleverly written text to the body of the award.
Here they are,
Thank you all so very much and both of these awards are for you, I am sure you might have already received them from other kind bloggers. You dont have to select eight blogs to send them to if you dont have the time.
Sarah x

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

More goodies in the post

This what was in the post for me when I came home from work., it was almost too pretty to open. Hop on over to Buttonberry to see their Block of the Month of have a look at their delicious fabrics. I have signed up to receive a different block each month and by Christmas will have a whole wall hanging.
Yummy Love Hearts !!!

Edit: Mum if you read this, click on the word Buttonberry above to be whisked off to lovely fabrics.
S xxx


I won a giveaway recently from Debbie, here are my treasures as I took them out of the box.

Beautifully wrapped

Here are some of the treasures I received I i thought I had taken a photograph of the rest but cant find it). Thank you Debbie, I love them all. You are very kind.
Life seems to have been fast paced here over the last couple of weeks. The days fly by into weeks and here we are already in the second month of the year. Work seems to take up most of my time and energy recently, it is difficult getting a happy medium I think. I love my job and want to work but Oh life would be SO much easier if I where at home during the day. I could get all of those jobs done during the day that I am either running around doing late at night or they just dont get done. I was a very lucky Mamma to be able to be at home until both of the children went to school, I went back to work part time and within a year I am near enough full time. I know this fella below would prefer me to be at home,

Here he is fixing his beloved at the weekend, she is all dolled up ready for the roads with new shiney parts to show off with. However whilst I praise his efforts and am certainly NOT a feminist in any way ( Ilike to play at houses if you know what I mean) , I would like to point out that it was ME, a woman who went out and fixed it. Yeah you heard right it was me. All it took was a hammer and sheer Girl Power to get this beauty ready. Hahahah !!! OK OK so I was wearing gloves to protect my girly soft skin from the nasty dirt and grease..
Here is my poor Princess, she had gone out for a walk in the snow and came back with blood pouring from her little paw. Poor thing must have stood on some glass and was cut to shreds. Thankfully she is OK but I just cant understand why people throw glass bottles around.