Thank you for all of your kind comments on my last post. I try so hard to kick back and try and spend more quality time with the family but the days are flying past too fast for my liking. My job is becoming more and more demanding, I want to climb the ladder and progress and for the first time ever I am actually doing something I love and something that I hope I am good at. I hope that once my two are a little older that I will get to University. The problem with my desire for more in the working sense is that I feel that my hard work catches up on me and I am tired and cranky. This means that time at home is precious and I have no idea what crafting is, it is something that I read about on other blogs all of the time but never actually get around to doing any myself. The children are benefiting from me working as it pays for all those little extras, like the new Wii game bought for a little boy yesterday and the new clothes from Monsoon (Sale!!!) for the little girl and those rather expensive horse riding lessons and and and.......... But sometimes I do feel that life may be a little easier if I was at home all day like I was only a couple of years ago.
Anyway this is not a blog for a pity party !!!!!
My daughter was Ten recently. I cant believe that Iam the mother of a ten year old. This time next year I will be getting her ready to go to the Comprehensive school, they grow up so fast.
Someone once told me
"Savour every moment, they are not babies for long".
I never understood what that meant until recently, sigh !!!
At the end of September last year I packed my little girls off to France with the school (yes aged nine and on trips to France). This was a strange time for me as she was so far away. She did however have the most wonderful time and was so lucky to have seen the places she went to. She took some disposable cameras with her as the school requested no digital cameras incase they were lost. well my daughter lost one camera and they dont take the best pictures anyway. The teachers from her school made a disc and slideshow for every child and she came home with this on Friday with literally hundreds of photographs on. It was so nice to sit with her and see where she had been to, they all looked so happy to be there. What an experience.
Because I prefer to add a picture to a post here is the cushion we made for my Brother in Laws birthday recently. The children drew pictures to give him and we put them together to make him this. The fabric on the outside is actually blue but shows up as black on the photograph.
There has also been some home brewing going on over here (forgot to take a picture of the wine)Apparently it is good ( not much of a beer drinker myself)
Happy Mothers Day to all of you wonderful Mamma's out there. I hope that your day is filled with joy.
S xxx