Sunday, 3 June 2007


This week we had some time alone whilst the children were visiting relatives. We decided that we would have a trip to the City of Durham, it is so close to us but I cant remember the last time we went together it is usually the children and I that go. We had a nice lunch in a small restaurant that overlooks the river (forgot to get a picture) and then had a look around some of the shops looking for a birthday present for a certain little boy! The present issue was quickly resolved and we had a walk up to the Cathedral, this is somewhere I have visited since childhood and a place that remains of great interest to me. It is a shame that the weather was poor, the rain seemed to last all day.
They say that time flies when you are having fun and the end of the day seemed to come around all to quickly, but here are some pictures for you to have a look at.


Dean said...

Missed you!!

Little House By The Sea said...

Hi There OLD chum !!!!

Anonymous said...

That's so beautiful Sarah! Can you go inside?

I got your e-mail and I will reply soon. I've got a lot to tell you!

Go back to your e-mail...Remember what you told me that you would keep in your prayers? You are not going to believe the news that I have to tell you. I think we have seen yet another miracle. It's not set in stone but I just know what the outcome will be. Life is so grand! :-)

Well, you are probably having dinner right now and my day has just begun. Have a goodnight!


Little House By The Sea said...

Oh Malina,

That would be wonderful....Let me know..
Yes you can go inside but you cant take any pictures.. It is beautiful inside, I could sit there for hours it is so peaceful. Whenever I go I always light a candle,for my Grandmother and also for other people who I happen to be thinking about at the time.

Sarah x

Anonymous said...

That's so neat Sarah! I love all the pictures you post and links that you send to me.

I still haven't written my e-mail back to you but I will :-) This is going to be one busy week for me but I am excited!

I was thinking about how fast last week went by and I never made baked Ziti, LOL! I'm going to try again for next week.

Have a wonderful weekend...or what's left of it. I'll talk to you soon!

Your friend,

Barbara said...

hi! Sarah nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting with me. Come back soon. I have a pottery goblet in my home that I bought many years ago in Durham cathedral. It has the Sanctuary Knocker set into it. Whenever I go into a cathedral (and I like visiting any in the vacinity where I happen tobe) I always light a candle for my son who denies his faith. Not my usual style of worship but in this instance it just seems so beautiful.

Anonymous said...

It's so beautiful - always so green and lush. I bet you had a great time.


Barbara said...

Thanks for your good wishes Sarah. I am just about back to normal today.