Friday, 13 November 2009

One Hundred and Forty

Squares cut out to quilt with.

I asked my dear daughter what she would like for christmas and the reply was
"Something to make my room look nice"
Now this is actually an improvement on previous years where she has just asked for "A surprise".
Now some of this fabric I bought to make her something with years ago and we are talking at least 6 years. It has been put away in the hope that I could think of what to make, only seeing the light of day when I would open the box, look, drool and stroke said fabric and put it away.
Some of the fabric flew all the way from Sunny Australia and the talented Levin as part of a swap, I wanted to use it for something special and couldnt think of anything more special than something for my daughter and some of the fabric is from thrifted embroidered table cloths supplied by Grandma. I am not too sure if I have too many squares but having laid the fabric on top of a normal quilt it looks slightly bigger (thanks for the idea Mum) and taking into account the seams I think it will be ok. I dont think there are any hard and fast rules about quilt sizes are there?
There are 41 days until christmas so really I need to get cracking as there are afew other things I want to make for christmas gifts also. I am still feeling a little under the weather though and dont think that my head will put up with the sound of the sewing maching just yet, so I will have to wait a little longer.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Right Now

This is where I am at. It is dark and miserable and I am feeling Yuck!!! I am sick of watching day time TV and even though I dont think I slept a wink last night, I just cant sleep right now.

I have so many christmas projects that I want to do but I just dont have the energy today. I have been thinking of what to get people, especially those people who already have everything. I so badly wanted to be organised by December 1st but there is no way that that is going to happen now. I heard the other day that a shopping centre nearby was so busy at the weekend that you couldnt get parked. Now I love to go christmas shopping and look for lots of lovelies for the lovelies in my life but I just dont seem to be able to face fighting to get parked and look around. I think that internet shopping may be the way forward.

How are your plans for christmas?

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

A Day in the Life

6:30 wake from sleep, shower and get ready for work.

7:00 Get children up, make sure they wash with water (apparently it burns !!!!) and brush teeth make sure they are dressed.

7:50 Run around looking for swimming costume you forgot needs to go to school today.

7:55 Dash out of the door to drop children at school for eight, only to realise you have practically
ZERO petrol.

8:00 Kids dropped off, dash to petrol station.

8:30 Run through the doors at work in the nick of time. Lots of worky stuff during which
time you manage to shovel something into your stomach that resembles lunch.

2:50 You leave work (late, running)

3:00 Collect child 2 from school and run back to the car at great speed.

3:10 Arrive at swiming pool to colect child 1, dash to supermarket as you intend to eat at some
point, call home to collect another swimming kit and deposit child 1 back at swimming pool
for yet another lesson.

4:10 Get back home and start to prepare dinner

4:45 leave house to go and collect child 1

5:10 Arrive back home, finish dinner, try to eat it whilst burning your mouth as it is too hot, getting indigestion for eating too quick.

6:00 Desposit child 2 at club.

6:15 Arrive back home and take dog for walk.

7:15 Collect child 2 (******************)

7:30 Arrive back home to get two tired children bathed and into bed.

8:00 Clean up kitchen, sort washing, answer phone .....................................................

9:00 Collapse into chair and wait for hubby to return home from work.

So to the person who complained at me today for something I had not had time to do but was not all that important.......

WHATEVER !!!!!!!!!
Am I really Bovvered???

I am tired and this is just one day, I could tell you about the rest but you would fall asleep.