Friday, 1 October 2010

Gifts From Heaven

Whilst talking to my nine year old son the other day he said the following to me.

Before babies are born they live in Heaven with God. When the baby is ready to be born GOD looks down to earth and chooses the perfect parents for the Baby and sends it. GOD chose you and Dad to look after me.

This year has been an emotional rollercoaster for us due to my son going to hospital for open heart surgery. So yes my Dear, you truly are a gift from GOD. I could not be more thankful that GOD listened to my prayers about you.


Greentwinsmummy said...

oh that is THE sweetest thing he could have said x x x x x Its made me beam a big smile reading it here
GTM x x

melanie said...

Oh wow, what a beautiful and very deep thing for your son to say, what a little angel he must be :) xxx

Little House By The Sea said...

Thank you Melanie and GTM, he truly is a litle treasure.

Sarah x

My life with MND said...

That's a really nice thing to say.

My children come out with things like that, because they attend a Catholic school. I don't really have any faith, but it is something I would like to get a little more involved with.

Hugs xx

PS Giveaway over at my blog if you'd like to pop over xx

MelMel said...

I hope that your prayers are answered, that he makes a full recovery, God will be with him every step of the way,
Love Melxxx

Locket Pocket said...

What a lovely thing to say! But golly, I didn't realise how serious his operation had been. I'm glad to hear he is doing well. Lucy xx

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. Aren't we lucky parents?!!