Tuesday, 13 September 2011

A cup of something warm

I just thought that I would share a quick recipe to warm your soul.

Hot Caramel Apple Drink

* A mug of apple juice (or more depending on how many your serving)
* Caramel Syrup, how much depends upon your taste.
* A dash of vanilla

Put in a saucepan and heat through. Serve in your favourite mug.

Lovely Jubbley

(certainly not a drink to give to your diabetic mother !!!)


Locket Pocket said...

That sounds delicious - but no good when you're on a diet so none for me unfortunately!! Lucy xx

melanie said...

Yummy, sounds delicious! :) xxx

Little House By The Sea said...

It was lovely, but soooooooo sweet. I would avoid it if on a diet Lucy, or due to go to the dentist for that matter.

S x

My life with MND said...

Where do you get caramel syrup from? xx

Little House By The Sea said...

I bought it from Whittards of Chelsea at Dalton Retail Park.I think that you can buy it at starsucks and I saw some vanilla syrup in sainsburys the other day.