I am sorry I have not blogged in over two weeks but life got busy and I have been enjoying just ding things at home, although i have been keeping up to date with your blogs. It is funny how a break can refresh your mind and you can overcome bloggers block and come back with plenty to say. I have received many complaints about the lack of blogging (Sorry Mum) so I had better colect my thoughts and get back to it.
24th June was my Birthday, I had the most wonderful few days (yes I managed to stretch it to afew days). The day before I went and met my Mum and one of my Sisters for lunch. I took my camera but didnt get any pictures. The 24th I spent time with my family and we went for a lovely meal with friends.. Here are some of the goodies I received...

My Mum made this for me. I have wanted one for ages and cant seem to figure out how to crochet. I cant wait to snuggle up on the cold evenings or when we go camping. I love nothing better than to snuggle up with a blankie.. I tool this picture of it on my bed but will keep it until the weather cools or we go camping.

Here is a picture for my Mum, she said she hadnt seen my bedroom since we decorated it. I love this room, right now I think that it is my favourite room in the house. It is such a calm and peaceful room.

A view from the other side.

This is our new dresser.
Did I tell you how much I love this room? I could sit here all day and just relax.

The people who know me will know that I have an obsession with all things Amish or reading about the Shaker way of life and also about how I plan one day to have a small house or even a log cabin and live in the middle of nowhere with only my thoughts for company (oh and perhaps a hubby and children, but you know what I mean). Anyway, one of my presents was the above book. OH MY GOODNESS how I love this book. I saw the TV series and enjoyed it and the book is just as good. I love the simple way of life. Dont get me wrong, I know that these people had it hard and they worked all day and life was very difficult. It is the simplicity that attracts me, how they made do with what they had. Yes my home is full of gadgets that are supposed to make life easier for me and I do like having them. But I think that we could all have a look at our lives and see what changes we can make to make our life a little easier or simple. There are lots of things we could change, what would you do?

I love to listen to music, smooth, soft and calming music. this was my gift from my Hubby.

My sister made me this. She does not like sewing but took the time to make me this. Thanks K....

My other sister bought me this as part of my gift. It smells almost good enough to eat but is a candle so I guess I should not. Thanks T and family for this.
Thank you to Leigh for her card, I forgot to take a picture but will soon and thanks to April for her mail.
I had a wonderful few weeks and hope to get back to the blogging. I will have to get some pictures of my knitting and I have lots of other posts in mind.