Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Time flies

Oh my goodness, where did the last week go?... I cant quite get my head around the fact that we are now in the middle of March, it does not seem that long since we were celebrating Christmas..

Anyway, I love the spring as it gives us little promises of summer, we have buds on the apple tree and the spring bulbs are starting to show with their little flowers offering a dash of colour against thedarkness and bleakness that winter has left behind.

Well I have continued with the knitting, it has been slow progress as this is actually the third time that I have started the project, opting to pull the whole lot out as I could not find out where I had picked up that extra stitch. I seemed to pull out endless rows but it was not to be found.

As Easter is approaching I have also turned my mind as to what I will get the children. I have three nieces and nephews and last year decided not to buy the regular chocolate eggs for them and made my own gifts. I purchased a small plant pot and put inside a packet of sunflower seeds, small bag of compost and a chocolate lollypop, I them out them in a celophane packet and gave these to the children. They went down a storm, my neice phoned regularly over the summer to give me updates on her sunflower and they lasted so much longer than a chocolate egg.
I have decided upon this years gift and need to get to the craft store to pick up some supplies. I will post a picture once it is finished.

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