Thursday, 5 July 2007

Wash Day Blues

This is what I have been doing ALL day... How four people can create so much laundry I will never know. So i have stood with the ironing mountain and ironed until it now resembles a small hill. The whole experience was made better by watching "Little Women". I guess that we should be greatfull that we have modern day washing machines and dont have to do the whole lot by hand.


Anonymous said...

You should see all of the clothes piled up on my bed waiting to be put away and here I am on the computer taking a break from cleaning my kitchen. Ya, I have my priorities in order, LOL! I have found that my #1 enemy in this house in laundry and that's no joke. I feel blessed that my girls have so many clothes BUT it was way too much so I got rid of about 2/3 of their clothes and now we are at a comfortable level. This process has taken 2 weeks. Now I am ready to donate them all. I feel your pain.

Little House By The Sea said...

I think that laundry isalso ~1 enemy in this think that we also haveway too many clothes and many need sorting out and donating to various people or places.. Glad to hear you have already sorted yours...