The wonderful and inspiring Green Twins Mummy has sent me this award, thank you very much... You can go visit her and her blog by clicking
here , Please drop by and say hello to her.....
As usual there are rules, 5 to be exact..
1) Pick 5 blogs that You Feel Are Deserving of this award based on their
(a) creativity,
(b) design,
(c) interesting material, and
(d) contribution to the blogging community, no matter what language.
2) For each award giver: Include the name of the author and a link to their blog, so they can be visited.
3) For each award recipient: Show the award with the name and link to the blogger from whom it was received.
4) For both giver and receiver: Show the link of Arte y Pico. (http://arteypico.blogspot.com/)
5) Publish these rules.
Anyway, here is what she had to say to me
Sarah at http://littlehousebythesea.blogspot.com/
Sarah I find your blog very peaceful & soothing,I adored the month in photos too!
Ok, so here we go,
1) Barbara..
For making me smile and laugh with her wonderful blog and pictures. I also have to thank her for introducing my Daughter to the world of Schleich Horses.
2) Leigh..
For been a Knitting pal.. For having a lovely blog with nice pictures and encouraging me with my knitting.
3) Lucy..
Craft Heaven... I love to read this blog. You have lots of inspiring ideas and a blog packed with lots of fun. Lucy has also organised some fab swaps.
4) Biker Ted..
Biker Ted Rocks... Lots of stunning pictures and tales of bike riding. Encourages me that one day we will spend some time abroard on the bike.
5) Faerie Nuff..
A blog that I have just started to read. However there are lots of interesting posts and pictures and I love your mission to be green and frugal.
I hope that I have done this right and the links all work. It was difficult just choosing 5 people as I could have choosen many many more. I love lots of different blogs for many different reasons and the list would be so long. So for everyone who reads my blog regardless of wether you leave a comment or not, this is for you.