On the crafting side of things, er it is moving S-L-O-W-L-Y... I am still knitting the cardigan for my daughter and to be honest I am growing tored of it. I dont always undertsnad what the pattern is saying and it is in my nature to get cross with it, especially when there are other things I am wanting to get on with. I shall finish it, oh yes I will. I would show you a picture but honestly how exciting can a half knitted front of cardigan be?
Have a look at thie gift from my Hubby, isnt it wonderful? Ok well I like it. I had spotted it but would not normally buy myself something like this so he decided he would do it for me.
I think that I will put it up in the bedroom as it will surely be a magnet for grubby little fingers to touch.
Now when I am in re-arranging mode I tend to organise things around where the craft stash can be stored. When he bought me this I said it would be perfect to store craft things and this was of course met with roars of laughter. When it arrived yesterday my Daughter proudly declared that "It is a good place to put your craft things Mummy", shows you how much he knows.....
We used to have one like this when I was growing up, is it a Loydd Loom?
My mum had a similar one to that, only slightly smaller..same colour though!Sal;-)
I like it. Have a great weekend...Mary
I'm very envious of that lovely box!
Enjoy school hols - ours are just starting too!
April xx
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