Welcome to my little world. If your interested in reading about crafts, organisation, cooking and the general day to day life of a busy working Mother (who admits she does NOT have it all together) then you might just be in the right place.
Friday, 28 December 2007
Stepping Back in Time
Your transport awaits to take you back in time
Hot mulled wine and Hot Roasted Chestnuts for your pleasure
Thursday, 27 December 2007
The children enjoyed opening gifts and spending time with both of our families. It was nice for all of the children to get together and play, this is quite rare for them all to be at the same place at the same time so fun was had by all.
I guess that the dampner for the holidays was that we all have a cold bug which resulted in my poor hubby spending christmas day fternoon asleep in the chair and the next two days in bed. He sadly missed going to my sisters house and been with all of the family (including all the kids, or was this planned??????) and has been quite unwell. I have been keeping him supplied with hot drinks and the children have tried to cheer him up..LOL.....
We were also disturbed at about 12.15 on Christmas night / Boxing Day morning by hammering on the door. We were still sat watching TV and opened the door to the porch to see a man standing in his PJ,s shouting for us to open the door. After our initial reluctancy to do so we discovered that he had called to tell us that he had just seen someone stealing our motorbike which we had parked in the drive and they were pushing it away down the street. Well Hubby drove after them whilst I called the police, they came with dogs, two cars and even the helicopter, they caught one person but were unable to get the other and the bike has never been seen again. They went into a park/field at the end of the road which is not lit, the police searched as they thought they would have dumped the bike and we went down at first light but it was not there. All of this equals one unhappy Hubby. I would not put down on here what i would like to call these people, what makes them think that it is ok to enter another persons property and take something that they have not had to pay for and which doesnt belong to them. GGggggrrrrrrrrr... Well it is a great big heavy thing and I would say that I hope it falls on them but then that would not really be a Christian thing to say especially at this time of the year, BUT REALLY !!!!!!!!!!!
Moving on.. We still enjoyed our Chrsitmas and wont let scumy people spoil it for us. I will have piccies when I can get Hubby to sort this cable out for me. I hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas and here we look forward to the New Year.
Sunday, 23 December 2007
Catching Up
If I dont get back on here before the big day, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
GOD Bless
Monday, 10 December 2007
Traditions and Memories #1

Wednesday, 5 December 2007
Friday, 30 November 2007
The Last Day

Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Saturday, 17 November 2007
I couldnt wait

Tuesday, 13 November 2007
Now whilst I certainly dont forget the day and would have normally attended church his year we did not. We decided to take the morning off and we went to the climbing wall for a little family time. I still cant get used to watching my children free climb up a wall (with no ropes) which is about 5 metres high. There is of course a HUGE instructor waiting for them at the bottom and should they decide to exit the wall he is more than capable of catching them. It was so nice to be together as a family and be out doing an activity,sooooooooo I have decided that we need to make more of the time we have together doing something nice rather than the trip to the supermarket for the weekly shopping or trying to get some kind of order around the house.
For the next few weeks I hope to put some posts together about the things we have been doing, it could be anything from chilling out to watch a movie with popcorn or a walk along our beach on a really cold day or even me trying to come to terms with the fact that my children can climb this wall and will do it even if Mother is sat with her nerves on edge. Oh and yes they think it is great to trun around at the top and give me a wave as if to remind me that they are 5 metres up. eeeekk!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
5th November

Sunday, 4 November 2007
The Weekend
On Sunday I took the opportunity to go to the Cemetry and visit the graves of some loved ones. I wish that I had taken the camera as the cemetry is so beautiful and with the leaves dropping onto the ground it was simply stunning. I know that it sounds strange to be taking photographs at a cemetry but honestly you had to be there.
Whilst walking around you could see grave stones underneath the trees practically hidden from view, upon closer inspection they were graves dating back to 1867 and some even older. I guess that nobody goes to visit these anymore and the trees which would have been small at the time have now grown and are now covering them from sight.
I think that the colours of Autumn are simply stunning, the trees are turning shades of red and gold and then they fall to ground. The smell of the air changes I think, There is a slight dampness to the air and you can smell fires burning. I think that we need to make the most of the chaning seasons as they quickly turn to the next season, which of course will be Winter.
As we are now in November my mind has been occupied with ideas for Christmas. I have nearly almost all of my shopping done and have ideas for the rest that I need to get. Next week I will be baking my Christmas cake and Christmas Pudding, should I dig out some christmas carols to listen to whilst I bake or would classical be better? Hmm I will have to think about that one.
I hope that you all have a great weekend, I am off to look up some recipes for treats for the children to have for Bonfire Night. GOD Bless xx
Thursday, 1 November 2007
Whatever will they think of next
The Institute of Public Policy Research has suggested various ideas to make the UK more multicultural.
It also wants "national culture" barriers to be torn down to help immigrants settle into the UK.
In a report due to be published in coming weeks, the organisation said: "If we are going to continue to mark Christmas - and it would be very hard to expunge it from our national life even if we wanted to - then public organisations should mark other major religious festivals too.
"Even-handedness dictates that we provide public recognition to minority cultures and traditions."
It emerged in 2006 that three out of four employers were not putting up Christmas decorations in the workplace for fear of offending staff of other cultures.
You can view this article http://uk.news.yahoo.com/itn/20071101/tuk-think-tank-says-downgrade-christmas-dba1618_1.html
I mean I can understand the need to recognise other cultural festivities but why on earth should we have to downgrade our own to accomodate people who decide to come and live here. I honestly think that this is because due to mass consumerism people have no idea as to why we celebrate christmas. It really matters not to me if you are a Christian and celebrate the birth of JESUS or are Pagan and celebrate the festival of YULE, we are entitled to our own opinion and should not have to change our English ways of life incase other people ind it offensive. What is offensive to me is that we are been forced to change. GGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Wednesday, 31 October 2007
The Tooth Fairy has visited
Anyone for Halloween?
However my children dont miss out, Oh No....
We did go to a party this evening which is held at our church. It is a "Alternative Halloween party", the children are encouraged to get dressed up in their brightest of clothes, we make pizza, decorate biscuits, bob for apples and then instead of carving a scary face out of the pumpkin we carve out "Jesus" on one side and a cross on the other. Even the children who dont attend church who come always have a wonderful time. I guess it is one of those "Each to their own" moments.
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Harvest Festival

He got up and said his many lines and never looked uncomfortable at all. When he had finished he gave me the thumbs up and had a HUGE smile, he said that he had really enjoyed himself.
This is the child who would never leave my side and would cry every day going into school despite the fact that he was in his second year at school. I think that we have turned a corner and a confident little boy is emerging. YAY !!!!!! We are so proud of you son.... Love You!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Welcome October

I love all of the seasons as they all bring their own charm but I do love Autumn and Winter. I love the dark nights when I can snuggle up under a blanket and have candles lit around the room, I have to have lots and lots of candles. A hot cup of tea or hot chocolate is also another must have.
I am starting planning for the christmas season and have enjoyed having the sewing machine out for various craft projects to give as gifts. I have most of my gifts ready and only have my own children left to buy for. This is where I struggle, what on earth can I get them? I have no ideas. I once read a Victorian Poem which said;
Sunday, 16 September 2007
Seasonal Delights

Please pay a visit to this web site. It is just full of Autumnal Goodness for you and your little one (or just you if you wish). Please pay Kelli a visit and have a look around.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
362 Diddly Doo

Today we got into the car and decided to go for a bike ride in a local forest. After taking a wrong turn we ended up near to the village where we lived when I was a child. So we carried on and I was Home , the above picture shows you the County Pub that my parents ran when I was a child. It is in the middle of nowhere, no neighbours just mother nature for company. I have not stepped inside since the day we left and it felt kind of strange going back inside again. I dont think that it has changed since the day we moved, it is still quite dark inside and there was a roaring fire to sit beside. The pool table still sits in the games room and it all just seemed the same.
I was able to share stories with the children like, the Duck races I used to have when the pub flooded due to the melting snow (it is built into the hill), playing music on the Juke Box, and how I would rush to the phone and answer "362 Diddly Doo" instead of any of the other ways one should answer the phone in a business. 362 was our telephone number then, they are of course much longer now.

Here are the children having a walk by the river near to the village.

The water falls.
Autumn is here

Can you believe it is here, Autumn or Fall. The weather has certainly changed as there is a slight chill in the air each morning and the heat from the sun only just warms you through. It is certainly a welcome sight for me, I love the changing seasons and each one brings with it its own charms. Autumn is the time of year when we get to snuggle up in darkened, candle lit cosy rooms with a cup of hot chocolate. The leaves start to change colour and crip before they fall to the ground but we still have a slight warmth to the air before the coldness of winter sets in.
Anyway I have not blogged for a little while as things have been busy so time has been focused elsewhere. I am however preparing for Christmas and have had the knitting needles working away and also sewing. The sewing machine is yet to come out but I will need to get started on that as soon as possible. I wont show any pictures of the finished projects until after christmas as I dont want certain people to be looking at their gifts now do I ? But lets just say that I have piles of fabric waiting for me to get started on.
My plan for christmas is to have everything bought, wrapped and ready to go by December 1st. I hear you laugh but you have to have a goal to aim for. Currently everything is on track. This will mean that I have the month of December free to spend with the children, I have lots of trips and things planned for them.
The children have gone back to school and are now in the swing of things, they were happy to get back into the normal school routine. Returning back to school also means that I have the pleasure of returning back to work, working with a bunch of five year olds certainly does wonders for ones nerves! I am so glad that I am fortunate enough to be able to work part time.
For those of you wanting a little organisation for the Holidays check out this link.
Holiday Grand Plan
Friday, 17 August 2007
Where would you like to live?
Perhaps a log cabin is your choice!

It has a cozy interior.

Perhaps you would like a country cottage,

Or perhaps a log pilehouse is more your cup of tea.

In the city

Stricktly speaking we are city dwellers, although I do live right on the outside of the city.. I HATE city life, there is always so much hustle and bustle and everything is so anonymous. I guess this is what appeals to lots of people, you can walk down the street ar through the town and never speak to a soul. I know that one day we will move again as this was only ever a temporary stop (are you listening we WILL move) but there are some good things.
1 We live on the coast and so can always enjoy a walk along the beach.
2 As I previously said we live on e the outside of the city so there is
country side around us, you just have to go to it.
I recently took the children out for the afternoon to a local nature reserve. You can just walk around looking at the birds and other wildlife without a care in the world. You can loose yourself and beliterally ANYWHERE in the world. Just take a look at some of these pictures, would you think these were taken in the city? A city that people turn their noses up at, where people have actually asked if there is electricity and think that we are stuck in a time warp.
ENJOY !!!!
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Holy Island
This is somewhere that I have wanted to visit since about the age of eight. We took the tent with us and decided to camp out for the night. The weather on the day we arrived was stunning but with the wind and rain the next day we only stayed overnight. However we were able to cross the causeway and spend afew hours looking around the priory and village. we didnt go to the castle but you can see it in the distance in the photograph.
Beautiful Beaches

Lindisfarne Castle

Lindisfarne Priory


Note the people standing on top.

HMS Albion

Beach Landing